A Page for All Seasons

A Morphing Page

Image to emphasize the occasionSample paragraph in the new style of the season, holiday, or event that you've been assigned.  Remember to work with placement of information like aligned to the right or centered for example.

A list with images when images are enabled and has a fall-back when images are turned off at the browser.

Sample list with embedded list

Sample Table

sample table
First Column HeaderSecond Column HeaderFinal Column Header
Column 1Column 2Column 3
spanning the entire table for width
Enlongated Column for testing purposes of formatting and layoutRow 3 Column 2Row 3 Column 3
Row 4 Column 2Row 4 Column 3
Row 5 Column 2Row 5 Column 3
Sample division

This page should be unchanged except for the name of the style sheet in the link tag specified in the head.  Of course, the page is HTML 4.01 compliant and your css file should be CSS compliant upon completion.  place morph.html on your site and build the appropriate .css file and subdirectory to hold your images for your occassion or event.  You should also copy some gif image that emphasizes the holiday spirit and call it season.gif so it fits seamlessly with the page.

[ Valid Cascading Style Sheet!] [Valid HTML 4.01!]
Sample of pre data
This text   gets displayed   as it is 
formatted within      the tags
to     show the world      how ugly, ugly 

may be
Sample address

The End